About Us
My husband Kenny and I grew up in the Pacific Northwest together and
eventually made our way to the middle of Washington State on beautiful
Lake Chelan. We are surrounded by Orchards and Wineries and small town
living fits our personalities perfectly. Here is where I began researching to
find old fashioned recipes for ordinary products like lotion and toothpaste
and natural facial cleanser because my skin is sensitive and store bought
products were so expensive and so many of them ended up in the waste basket
because they were so harsh. That is literally how Feel Better Botanicals began; In
my modest kitchen, with an apron on and my red hair up in a bun. When I'm in
the kitchen developing products, Kenny refers to it affectionately as making
'witches brew'! Eventually, I began using CBD products to help me with chronic
pain from several auto accidents, sleep disorder and Kenny's pain from working
in the construction field since he was a teenager. CBD was immediately helpful
but the prices were so high that we couldn't afford to dose as high as was needed.
I wanted to change that business dynamic so eventually I combined my
'witches brew' abilities with CBD and no one is more surprised at how effective
my concoctions are!
I use a proprietary blend of fourteen oils and butters from all over the world
blended with other goodies to make Kelsey's Comfort Cream and the difference is
amazing. We choose to use CBD isolate instead of oil even though it is so much
more expensive because our clients complained about the nasty taste and because
it is so pure. No thc whatsoever. That means the clients we have who are sensitive
to the taste and those who might get drug tested , like the pilots who buy from us, have nothing to worry about. Everyday we get to hear from people all over the USA who have tried our products and feel so much better. It isn't uncommon for us to hear that our products have changed their lives, and nothing could make us happier! We love being of service. And we are here to build relationships. We keep our prices low and our doses as high as our clients want them to be. That's why we are the peoples choice. It's a win-win for everyone.
We are always growing and developing new products, many of which come from conversations we have with our clients and friends about what their needs are. Even the milligrams per bottle have come from clients asking if I could make our Comfort Cream stronger or our Tincture stronger. And the answer is always, 'yes'! We are here for you. We are not here to sell you a product only to have you be unhappy and we never hear from you again. We want to help you feel better. We want you to come back and we want you to tell everyone you know why you feel so much better. Our process is so organic and personal and that is what sets us apart, not to mention we are offering the highest milligrams at the least expensive prices in the U.S. as far as we know. Whoohoo!! How do we do this, you may ask? We can do it because we are not trying to get rich off of one sale. We actually care and we want you to come back. It's that simple. So please shop around. Compare us to everyone else on price, quantity and milligrams. Then come on back. We'll be here for you like a warm hug.
We are spreading the love, as I like to say. Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with, or if you have an idea or need for a specific type of product. We may be able to put that on the list for future development.
Please know how grateful we are to everyone who ever supported us by being one of my 'guineas', or giving me feedback, or doing our art work, or listening to my ideas or by helping me with the dreaded computer work, or by having enough faith in us to try one of our products and telling your friends, co-workers and families about your experience. We've been given a warm place to stay when we traveled, an offer of a business loan and more than one of you propped me up when I was running low on energy and faith. You were spreading the love, too.
Many thanks and much love to Melissa, Shanley, Dodie, Cathy, Garett, Shelley, Danielle, Barb, Kelly, Cheari, April and Beth, just to name a few. We seriously could not have done this without you.